I know it's been awhile since I've posted, but don't worry, I've felt guilty about it everyday.
Since moving positions and districts I have been working to find my voice again. I moved from Reading Teacher to Special Ed teacher in a district with a HUGE technology focus to a Reading Specialist position in a district that has a one computer per classroom technology focus.
From this experience I have learned that technology is the future. ANYTHING I griped about, any extra work I had to do was worth it for the opportunities technology provided ALL children to learn and succeed. Yes, it comes with headaches. Worth it. The accessibility it provides students to curriculum, materials, and innovation is undeniable. I think the next "Gap" we will be seeing will be the technology gap.
It's not the easiest thing in the whole world to jump into a roll as an expert when your expertise does not directly translate. I can troubleshoot a lot of things, SO MANY THINGS!!!!! But printing out, organizing and facilitating 1200 AIMSWEB test booklets by hand, in two languages, wasn't exactly one of them...until now!
In so many ways I feel like I walked back into 2007. There is a "back to basics" mentality that is present and forced into many underperforming and poor schools across Illinois and the Nation. Every day I see how that approach, while seemingly appropriate with one lens (that of law makers), under another, crushes innovation and losses the richness that big picture connections give you. I think the district is really doing the best it can with what it has, it just makes me wonder how other districts have managed.
I am not spending as much time as I would like helping teachers see the big picture, or helping students learn to love reading. (Thus, I think my silence here.) Teachers are too busy validating their curriculum and giving the next outcome assessment in two languages. Students are busy being assessed and there is a big focus on achievement and re-teaching. READER'S WORKSHOP!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! First 20 days of silent reading??? ANYONE!????
Teachers are asking for help to test their students and to understand, organize, and cut materials. I can't really blame them. We'll get there. I'm just impatient!
I also work in a Dual Language School, which is a cool concept. I am looking for ideas or models that other districts use ESPECIALLY when it comes to testing. Currently, we are testing most things in BOTH languages where available. I am very curious if anyone has any input or experience with that.
So what can I brag about or talk about? I just started intervention groups using Beverly Tyner's Small group Reading Model! It is similar to other Models like Jan Richardson's which +MIchelle Brezek just reported on! She is also coming in a few weeks to coach my teachers! I'll report back soon!